Mapusciences and the Superpowers of Plants – Episode 8: The Chilco/Chilko: Super Remedy for Birth

In the eighth episode of the series, Kimlan has a birthday and can’t control her excitement. Together with Kimün and Lientur, they look at old photos that raise considerable doubts about what it is like to be born.

10 min | For kids,Territory | 2022


Kimün and Kimlan are two mischievous and ingenious little sisters who, together with their mother Ilwen and their cousin Lientur, live in the Wallmapu valleys and always end up entangled in a mess they can’t get out of. Their kind neighbour, Don Kawellu, comes to their rescue, and takes them on a journey through native plants and their incredible superpowers, capable of solving all kinds of problems, no matter how big they are.

In the eighth episode of the series, Kimlan has a birthday and can’t control her excitement. Together with Kimün and Lientur, they look at old photos that raise considerable doubts about what it is like to be born. Kimün, who thinks she already knows everything, gives wild explanations that only create more confusion. Once again, it is Don Kawellu who helps in the search for scientific answers supported by a panel of experts.

Artistic and technic data

Year: 2022
Duration: 10 min
Indigenous peoples: Mapuche
Geographic area: Chile
Language: Spanish, Mapudungun
Subtitles: English
Subject: For kids,Territory
Genre(s): Animated series