Free registration
What does it include?
- Access to all content free of charge
- Create your user profile
- Create lists and rate films
- Option to contribute at the end of each viewing
One-time contribution
What does it include?
- The same as for free registration
- It enables platform sustainability
Regular contribution
What does it include?
- The same as free registration
- It helps ensure platform sustainability
- Exclusive news and premieres
MiradaNativa is committed to a different economic model as it offers a different way of relating to audiovisual content.
Unlike traditional platforms, where you pay a fixed fee to access content, MiradaNativa is a free and open access platform because it does not want to limit access through charges. Anyone can view MiradaNativa’s content freely and free of charge.
Even so, MiradaNativa is sustained by voluntary contributions and the pay what you want (PWYW) system.
Pay what you want open platform
We are committed to a different economic, social and environmental model

What is pay what you want?
Pay what you want is a payment model whereby people can freely access cultural content and, after the experience, make a voluntary contribution based on how much they can afford and think is fair.
Voluntary contributions are necessary for the sustainability of the platform and to continue promoting indigenous audiovisual creation, which is why we believe in this model: each user is responsible for their use of the platform and for ensuring its long-term existence.
If you would like to provide regular help to ensure the sustainability of the platform, you can make a periodic contribution of the amount you want and thus make MiradaNativa possible year after year.

What do we do with your contributions?
Your contributions are distributed as follows: 60% to the right holders of the works, 30% to alterNativa, which it spends on maintenance of the platform, and 10% to Coordinadora Latinoamericana de Cine y Comunicación de los Pueblos Indígenas (Latin American Coordinator of Indigenous Peoples’ Film and Communication, CLACPI).