In the midst of the frozen jungles, the waters paved the way for the inhabitants of the prairies, in sync with the millennia. Wentru travels this ancient route in the southern region, crossing the Andean mountain valleys; living labyrinths of forest and water, reaching the coastal mountains and farellones that revere the Sea of Wentellao, places of generous and powerful force according to Mapuche tradition. However, this epic and ancestral journey, accompanied by the song of the ñuke mapu, will become a spiritual path challenging him to revive the memory of his people and their traditions in the face of an imminent imbalance. This journey will lead him to visions, encounters, and experiences that will attempt to disorient and trap him. Only the wisdom that has guided his people will reveal the being causing this instability and the path he must take to restore spiritual balance, once again closing the cycle of imbalance in the face of Wentellao.
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