Saber | Sumud | Palestina. The roots of a land

Documentary that maps the resistence that, day by day, the Palestinian women practice, and the accumulated violences the Israeli State employs to keep expanding its apartheid regime.

64 min | Indigenous Resistance,Territory | 2023


More than 75 years of occupation, colonization and apartheid have not accomplished to erase Palestine from the map. Despite all the difficulties, the palestinian fight to certify that existing is resisting. The documentary pretends to synthesize, through real life testimonies and experts on the land, the resistance that, day by day, the Palestinian people practice and the accumulated violences the Israeli State employs to keep expanding its regime.

Artistic and technic data

Year: 2023
Duration: 64 min
Indigenous peoples: Palestinian
Geographic area: Palestine
Language: Arabic, english
Subtitles: Spanish, catalan
Genre(s): Documentary