CHEWKEPVLLV, Territorial Recovery in Aylla Rewe Budi

The Mapuche people struggle to recover the spaces which belonged to their ancestors.

28 min | Territory | 2013


After the invasion of the Chilean state in Wallmapu (Mapuche Nation), the territory was divided and handed over to settlers, confining the Mapuche to live in small areas. In the Lafkenche territory of the Aylla Rewe Budi, the Catholic Church take part in the partition and in Chewkepvllv sets itself up on top of an Eltvwe (Mapuche cemetery). Today the people of the land struggle to recover the spaces which belonged to their ancestors.

Artistic and technic data

Year: 2013
Duration: 28 min
Direction: Gerardo Berrocal
Indigenous peoples: Mapuche
Geographic area: Wallmapu
Language: Spanish
Subtitles: English
Subject: Territory
Genre(s): Documentary