Yalo Poñinkau (Black Butterfly)

In the early morning Juliana is walking back to her village, but is assaulted by two men. The only witness is a black butterfly that ends up being the messenger of what seems to be coming.

26 min | Identity | 2021


Juliana, a 16-year-old Misak girl, leaves her house to go to a party. After a walk with her friend Lucía, she meets her boyfriend and decides to stay at his house. In the early morning Juliana is walking back to her village, but is assaulted by two men. The only witness is a black butterfly that ends up being the messenger of what seems to be coming.

Artistic and technic data

Year: 2021
Duration: 26 min
Indigenous peoples: Misak
Geographic area: Colombia
Language: Namtrik
Subtitles: Spanish, French, Catalan
Subject: Identity
Genre(s): Fiction