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Wiñotuay chi lewfü (The River will Return)

This documentary conveys the wounds of the Huanehue River and the struggle of its community for its waters to flow again.

23 min | Climate Emergency,Territory | 2023


Lewfü means river in the Mapuche language; it is water in movement, which gives life to its banks and the people who inhabit them. The lewfü Huanehue no longer moves, it has been stagnant and wounded since 1960, with the installation of the Pullinque Hydroelectric Power Plant, owned by ENEL. Spun by the story of its inhabitants, woven by the poetry of Daniela Catrileo and the music of Daniela Millaleo, this documentary conveys the wounds of the Huanehue River and the struggle of its community for its waters to flow again.

Artistic and technic data

Year: 2023
Duration: 23 min
Production: María Ignacia Ibarra
Indigenous peoples: Mapuche
Geographic area: Chile,Wallmapu
Language: Spanish, Mapuzugun
Subtitles: Spanish
Genre(s): Documentary