Weaving Stories

Weaving Stories is a documentary that reflects the role of women weavers in the Andean communities of Bolivia. The purpose of the work is to reveal the world of these women as expressed through ancestral textile techniques.

58 min | Identity | 2015


Weaving Stories is a documentary that reflects the role of women weavers in the Andean communities of Bolivia. The purpose of the work is to reveal the world of these women as expressed through ancestral textile techniques. The film contains 22 interviews with craftswomen from different regions, as well as with some of their husbands, to provide a faithful reflection of this reality. The film includes the words of four specialists who contextualise the women’s explanations. First of all, the daily life in the countryside is shown, highlighting their textile work, among many other activities. Then their first steps in the textile world are portrayed, expressed through personal anecdotes with their ancestors. At the same time, a dreamlike world becomes evident, featuring a series of tales and legends, either through the weavings or through oral narrations. Finally, the textile heritage and the future of these ancient techniques, at risk of extinction due to the frequent migration from the countryside to the city, are discussed.

Artistic and technic data

Year: 2015
Duration: 58 min
Direction: Sebastián Riveaud
Indigenous peoples: Comunidades andinas de Bolivia
Geographic area: Bolivia
Language: Quechua, Aymara, Spanish
Subtitles: Spanish
Subject: Identity
Genre(s): Documentary