TRENTREN, Challupen Lof

Mapuche community fights to recover their ceremonial space taken by a real estate project.

3 min 44 s | Territory | 2019


Mapuche communities of Lof Challupen, in Licanray, claim a ceremonial space that is part of the TrenTren(sacred hill) Pvtriu Pvlli, where a real estate project is being built that affects the culture, spirituality and biodiversity in the area, which is also part of the great territory of Rukapillan (Villarrica volcano) and Trarilafken (Kalafken lake).

Artistic and technic data

Year: 2019
Duration: 3 min 44 s
Direction: Gerardo Berrocal
Indigenous peoples: Mapuche
Geographic area: Wallmapu
Language: Spanish
Subtitles: English
Subject: Territory
Genre(s): Documentary