The Payachatas

Two young people in love with neighbouring ayllus who live in harmony, live a period of mistrust in the village but the Pachamama restores the harmony that they lived with in the first place.

11 min | For kids | 2021


Parinacota and Pomerape are two young people in love with neighbouring ayllus who live in harmony. The evil supayas, enemies of the Good Life, awaken mistrust and misunderstanding in the villages, which end up destroying the love of the young people and their own coexistence. However, the Pachamama restores harmony, leaving an everlasting memory of pure and sincere love.

Artistic and technic data

Year: 2021
Duration: 11 min
Direction: Waldo Iván Castro
Production: Francisco Tarque
Indigenous peoples: Aymara
Geographic area: Chile
Language: Spanish, Aimara
Subtitles: English
Subject: For kids
Genre(s): Animation