The Condor and the Hummingbird

Four sisters attend the village festival where they meet the proud condor, the humble puma, the fox and the buzzard-eagle who have come in search of a mate.

11 min | For kids | 2021


Four sisters attend the village festival where they meet the proud condor, the humble puma, the fox and the buzzard-eagle who have come in search of a mate. Already married, the eldest sister suffers abuse from the condor, until the humble hummingbird helps her escape. Humiliated, the condor seeks revenge on the hummingbird, who manages to escape by becoming the watchman guarding the gardens from his presence.

Artistic and technic data

Year: 2021
Duration: 11 min
Direction: Waldo Iván Castro
Production: Francisco Tarque
Indigenous peoples: Aymara
Geographic area: Chile
Language: Spanish, Aimara
Subtitles: English
Subject: For kids
Genre(s): Animation