The Communicator

Abel Tonolec Celin makes rap music in the pre-Columbian Qom language.

20 min | Identity | 2020


Abel Tonolec Celin was born in an indigenous community of the Qom ethnic group in the province of Chaco, Argentina. His parents used to work in almost slave-like conditions. They moved to the city where Celin became a versatile communicator on indigenous issues. Most remarkably, Abel Tonolec Celin makes rap music in the pre-Columbian Qom language.

Artistic and technic data

Year: 2020
Duration: 20 min
Direction: Wojciech Ganczarek
Production: Wojciech Ganczarek
Indigenous peoples: Qom
Geographic area: Argentina
Language: Spanish, Qom
Subtitles: Spanish, English, Polish
Subject: Identity
Genre(s): Documentary