Taiñ Rvpv (Our Way)

A short film that follows Mapuche youth and the teachings they receive from the papay and chachay, always with the threat posed by the Coastal Highway project to their people as a backdrop.

12 min | Indigenous Resistance | 2020


“We, young Mapuche of Ayja Rewe Budi, are traveling the territory from north to south, meeting on our way with the papay and chachay who transmit to us their knowledge of Mapuche life threatened by the Coastal Highway project. As we listen, as we travel, as we sing, we are alive. We are the future.”

Artistic and technic data

Year: 2020
Duration: 12 min
Indigenous peoples: Mapuche
Geographic area: Chile,Wallmapu
Language: Spanish, Mapudungun
Subtitles: Spanish, English
Genre(s): Documentary