Power to the People

Organisation of the different communities facing the violence and the insecurities.

34 min | Indigenous Resistance,Rights,Territory | 2017


The film shows how the peasant, indigenous, mestizo and Afro-Mexican communities have organised themselves in the coastal/mountain region of the state of Guerrero. They have set up a citizen security and justice system, in the face of the wave of violence and insecurity they experience day after day.

Artistic and technic data

Year: 2017
Duration: 34 min
Production: Ojo de tigre
Awards: Millor Obra Processos Socio Organitzatius al XIII FICMAYAB (Gutatemala, 2018). Millor Documental Mexicà, V Festival Internacional de Cine i Video Kaiche' Teixits Visuals (Yucatán, 2019)
Indigenous peoples: Afromexicanos,Me'phaa,Mestizos,Na Savi
Geographic area: Mexico
Language: Spanish
Subtitles: English
Genre(s): Documentary