Petu Mongueleiñ

The Mapuche inhabitants of Río Negro live in contact with the environment: the wind, the silence, the diversity, the abundance, the cooperative. New provincial legislation seems to ignore them and awakens a historic mobilisation throughout the province.

18 min | Rights,Territory | 2017


The Mapuche inhabitants of Río Negro live in contact with the environment: the wind, the silence, the diversity, the abundance, the cooperative. New provincial legislation seems to ignore them and awakens a historic mobilisation throughout the province. A meeting with the new generations and a reunion among the old ones, who last famously marched in 1987, open a reflection on the recovery of language, culture and territory.

Artistic and technic data

Year: 2017
Duration: 18 min
Indigenous peoples: Mapuche
Geographic area: Argentina
Language: Spanish
Subtitles: English
Subject: Rights,Territory
Genre(s): Documentary