Pentukuwün – Traveling with Images

Pentukuwün – Traveling with Images shows the encounter and transmission of a message between a Pewenche and a Nagche community through a community film that travels between them, but stops to visit and hear the words of farewell of a Lonko elder.

24 min | Communication,Identity | 2016


Pentukuwün – Traveling with Images shows the encounter and transmission of a message between a Pewenche and a Nagche community through a community film that travels between them, but stops to visit and hear the words of farewell of a Lonko elder. The act of sharing and living in community is fundamental in the documentary, and Pentukuwün, which gives the film its name, refers to the tradition of visiting relatives or friends, asking about their health, and wishing well-being for those close to them.

Artistic and technic data

Year: 2016
Duration: 24 min
Production: Lemuntu Producciones
Indigenous peoples: Mapuche Pewenche
Geographic area: Chile
Language: Mapudungun, Spanish
Subtitles: Spanish, English
Genre(s): Documentary