Open Air

A won battle against the mining companies.

37 min | Rights,Territory | 2007


The Carrizalillo ejido in Guerrero is home to Mexico’s largest gold deposit, yet its population lives in poverty. At the beginning of 2007, the population organised to demand that the mining company Goldcorp, a Canadian transnational, pay a fair rent for the land it exploits and provide social benefits for the community. Open Air is the story of a people who organised, fought and won.

Artistic and technic data

Year: 2007
Duration: 37 min
Awards: Mencó Honorifica: III Festival de Cine i Video Indigena (Mèxic, 2007). Menció Honorifica IX Festival Internacional de Cine i Comunicació dels Pobles Indigenes (Bolivia, 2008)
Indigenous peoples: No reference
Geographic area: Mexico
Language: Spanish
Subtitles: English
Subject: Rights,Territory
Genre(s): Documentary