Nu Usri – Big mama

In the coexistence between ancestral practices and current health regulations, three elderly Misak midwives work for a health program in Silvia Cauca.

26 min | Feminine and Plural,Traditions | 2021


In the coexistence between ancestral practices and current health regulations, three elderly Misak midwives work for a health program in Silvia Cauca. The mobile phones used to take pictures of the processes, the billing statements, and the reports that these women, who can barely sign their names, have to submit coexist with the textiles, the plants, and above all, the great dose of empathy needed to be a Grandmother.

Artistic and technic data

Year: 2021
Duration: 26 min
Production: Ronald Perez Córdoba
Indigenous peoples: Misak
Geographic area: Colombia
Language: Namtrik
Subtitles: Spanish
Genre(s): Documentary