Margures Managrande
Marina, Libia and Neyia are three women united by family ties. They are the protective Margures of the Coyama-Managrande indigenous community of Totarco-Tamarindo in Tolima.
25 min | Territory,Women’s Resistance | 2019
Marina, Libia and Neyia are three women united by family ties: grandmother, daughter-in-law and daughter, and also united by territory and traditions. They are the protective Margures of the Coyama-Managrande indigenous community of Totarco-Tamarindo in Tolima.
Marina fought to consolidate her sacred territory at a time when a woman’s voice had no echo; Libia has decided that being a wife and mother will not prevent her from being a leader in her community; Neyia wants to follow in the footsteps of her grandmother and mother. The three of them, as women and guardians, are determined to create strong community ties with their territory; to protect Totarco-Tamarindo from serious environmental damage, oblivion and conflicts, and to continue being family.
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