Mugan Boe – The Cry of Grandmothers

Mugan Boe, the Cry of Grandmothers, is an animated short that narrates, the terrible event the Gunadule people endured with the Spanish invasion of their territories, through the dance and melodies of the gammu (flutes).

3 min 57 s | Identity,Indigenous Resistance | 2021


”An buggi binsae, anmal sergan saed igala an iegosuli”

“It worries us, it hurts us, but the teachings of our grandmothers and grandfathers we will never forget”

Mugan Boe, the Cry of Grandmothers, is an animated short that narrates, the terrible event the Gunadule people endured with the Spanish invasion of their territories, through the dance and melodies of the gammu(flutes). To the sound of each chord and each step, the Gunadule grandmothers cry and tell the story of their loved ones, seeking to heal and forgive the historical event that occurred with the Spanish invasion that massacred, dispossessed and displaced this ancestral culture.

This animated short was made as part of the #Corpografías research project of the University of Antioquia and Royal Holloway, University of London.

Artistic and technic data

Year: 2021
Duration: 3 min 57 s
Indigenous peoples: Gunadule
Geographic area: Colombia
Language: Guna
Subtitles: Spanish
Genre(s): Animation