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Immersed in the long oral tradition of Waorani storytelling, Anita Yeti shares her own coming-of-age story as a young Waorani woman living deep in the Amazon rainforest.

1 h. 36 min. | Identity,Transmission | 2022


Immersed in the long oral tradition of Waorani storytelling, Anita Yeti shares her own coming-of-age story as a young Waorani woman living deep in the Amazon rainforest. Following Anita and her community for over 10 years, the film captures her transition from a quiet teenager to a confident young mother at a critical turning point for her culture and her rainforest. As the granddaughter of one of the last Waorani elders who lived in complete isolation before outside contact, Anita is determined to capture her grandmother’s unique experience while she can. Each passing year brings new challenges, but with the help of family and friends, Anita balances school, motherhood and tradition as her family, culture and forest change around her.

Artistic and technic data

Year: 2022
Duration: 1 h. 36 min.
Indigenous peoples: Waorani
Geographic area: Ecuador
Language: Wao-terero, Spanish
Subtitles: Spanish
Genre(s): Documentary