Lafkenmapu Ñi Dungun

Lafkenche, people of the sea.

43 min | Territory | 2007


Lafkenmapu Ñi Dungun (the speech of the sea territory) gathers the essence of the Mapuche Kimvn (wisdom) and Rakidzuam (philosophy), through the story of representatives of various Lof (communities) in the territory of the Lafkenche (people of the sea) between Tolten and Mehuin. In the past there was a man called Mankean, who came to the Lof of Nvgue in search of a Likankurra, which he needed for his work as a Machi. Everything was calm until something unexpected happened. As time went by, this would become part of the Mapuche history and cultural heritage, told for generations by the elders through the Epew.

Artistic and technic data

Year: 2007
Duration: 43 min
Direction: Gerardo Berrocal
Indigenous peoples: Mapuche
Geographic area: Wallmapu
Language: Lafkenmapu Ñi Dungun, Spanish
Subtitles: Spanish, English
Subject: Territory
Genre(s): Documentary