Kawesqar Voices, Nomads of the Sea. Episode 5: Colonization

In the southernmost regions of the southern cone, Kawesqar nomadic families still inhabit and navigate the cold channels, reclaiming their culture and territory.

4 min | Identity,Territory | 2020


In the southernmost regions of the southern cone, Kawesqar nomadic families still inhabit and navigate the cold channels, reclaiming their culture and territory. Their voices come together in this series to recount their customs and ancestral memories that continue to endure, despite the extermination they have suffered at the hands of the State, and now by the salmon industry.

This is the fifth episode of the series “Kawesqar Voices, Nomads of the Sea” titled “Colonization.”

Artistic and technic data

Year: 2020
Duration: 4 min
Indigenous peoples: Kawesqar
Geographic area: Chile
Language: Spanish
Subtitles: Spanish, English
Subject: Identity,Territory