Jakon Jati: The Youth of Santa Rosita

Three Shipibo young people discuss their daily tasks while showcasing their subsistence agriculture work within their community.

5 min | Identity,Territory | 2021


In the native community of Santa Rosita de Abujao, Peru, three young individuals from the Shipibo people share insights into their daily activities. As they talk, they highlight their roles and responsibilities related to subsistence agriculture within their community.

This participatory video was produced as part of the Participatory Video Workshop for the community of Santa Rosita (2021), under the “Jakon Jati” project.

Artistic and technic data

Year: 2021
Duration: 5 min
Production: Minkaprod,Oni Xobo
Indigenous peoples: Shipibo-Konibo
Geographic area: Peru
Language: Shipibo
Subtitles: Spanish
Subject: Identity,Territory
Genre(s): Documentary