Jakon Jati: Non yoabo itan non yobimbo

A group of young people takes us around their native community of Puerto Bethel, sharing information about the foods they consume daily and their health benefits.

5 min 12 s | Food sovereignty,Territory | 2021


A group of young people takes us on a tour of their native community of Puerto Bethel, explaining the foods they eat every day and the health benefits of these foods.

This participatory video was created as part of the Participatory Video Workshop for the Puerto Bethel community (2021), under the “Jakon Jati” project.

Artistic and technic data

Year: 2021
Duration: 5 min 12 s
Production: Minkaprod,Oni Xobo
Indigenous peoples: Shipibo-Konibo
Geographic area: Peru
Language: Shipibo
Subtitles: Spanish
Genre(s): Documentary