Jakon Jati: Ni ranonbon cine

Young people consider the importance of preserving their people’s customs and ancestral knowledge.

5 min 16 s | Identity | 2021


In the native community of Nueva Betania, young people consider the importance of preserving their people’s customs and ancestral knowledge. They recreate the life their ancestors lived, which now feels distant and only as a memory they never experienced themselves.

Participatory video created as part of the Participatory Video Workshop for the Nueva Betania community (2021), within the “Jakon Jati” project.

Artistic and technic data

Year: 2021
Duration: 5 min 16 s
Production: Minkaprod,Oni Xobo
Indigenous peoples: Shipibo-Konibo
Geographic area: Peru
Language: Shipibo
Subtitles: Spanish
Subject: Identity
Genre(s): Documentary