Inkaleyiñ Taiñ Kalafken (Let’s Defend Lake Kalafken)

Mapuche communities around Lake Kalafken held a Wamputun and Welleltun in Likanray, a family activity involving ancestral swimming and navigation.

5 min 59 s | Indigenous Resistance,Territory | 2024


Mapuche communities around Lake Kalafken held a Wamputun and Welleltun in Likanray, a family activity involving ancestral swimming and navigation using non-polluting boats, as part of the trawun (gathering) for the defense of the lake, “Inkaleyiñ Taiñ Kalafken.

Artistic and technic data

Year: 2024
Duration: 5 min 59 s
Indigenous peoples: Mapuche
Geographic area: Chile,Wallmapu
Language: Spanish
Genre(s): Documentary