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Inchiñ, Us. Part 2: We Support Each Other to Gain Courage

Miniseries depicting the diversity of experiences within Mapuche territory aimed at strengthening cultural identity, blending the ancient with the contemporary in defense and exercise of their people’s rights.

28 min | Identity,Territory | 2022


Miniseries depicting the diversity of experiences within Mapuche territory aimed at strengthening cultural identity, blending the ancient with the contemporary in defense and exercise of their people’s rights. We portray a region of the Mapuche people in its organizational, generational, and proposal diversity, showing its development in different territories and contexts, with urban areas as livable spaces from an identity perspective and rural areas as territories of sustenance and collective memory.

This is the second part of the series “Inchiñ, Us” titled “We Support Each Other to Gain Courage.”

Artistic and technic data

Year: 2022
Duration: 28 min
Direction: Ailen Herradon
Indigenous peoples: Mapuche
Geographic area: Argentina
Language: Spanish, Mapuche
Subtitles: Spanish
Subject: Identity,Territory
Genre(s): Documentary