Huexca in Resistance

“Huexca in Resistance: Ten Years of Struggle” is a tribute to the Nahua people who face the dispossession caused by the energy and hydro-extraction megaproyect known as the Integral Morelos Plan (PIM).

40 min | Indigenous Resistance,Territory | 2022


“Huexca in Resistance: Ten Years of Struggle” is a tribute to the Nahua people who face the dispossession caused by the energy and hydro-extraction megaproyect known as the Integral Morelos Plan (PIM), driven by the Mexican state in association with Spanish companies Abengoa, Elecnor, and Enaga. Men and women armed with their dignity confront the monster of dispossession and violence, defending their water, land, and territory.

Artistic and technic data

Year: 2022
Duration: 40 min
Production: Ojo de tigre
Indigenous peoples: Nahua
Geographic area: Mexico
Language: Spanish
Genre(s): Documentary