Genealogy of a Disputed Territory

The film portrays part of the history of the internal colonisation of the Amazon, initiated by the State in the 1960s.

14 min | Rights,Territory | 2017


After the destruction of the Shuar Nankints Centre in the Province of Morona Santiago in November 2016, the declaration of a State of Emergency and the militarisation of the Amazon by the Ecuadorian State since December 2016, the film portrays part of the history of the internal colonisation of the Amazon, initiated by the State in the 1960s. Unlike previous years, multinationals have been illegally granted concessions to the disputed territories, for the exploitation of minerals in open-pit mines, thus deepening the characteristically voracious extractivism capitalism.

Artistic and technic data

Year: 2017
Duration: 14 min
Indigenous peoples: Shuar
Geographic area: Ecuador
Language: Spanish
Subtitles: English
Subject: Rights,Territory
Genre(s): Documentary