Do we Eat Silver?

A documentary that tells the story of how oil companies, with the State behind them, exploit the lands of the Quitxua Lama, bypassing international regulations and without asking permission from the communities.

27 min | Rights,Territory | 2006


A documentary that tells the story of how oil companies, with the State behind them, exploit the lands of the Quitxua Lama, bypassing international regulations and without asking permission from the communities. The documentary also aims to be a wake-up call to the indigenous populations themselves, providing information in the reality and consequences of the activities of oil companies in their territories.

Artistic and technic data

Year: 2006
Duration: 27 min
Direction: Sacha videistas
Indigenous peoples: Quítxua Lama
Geographic area: Peru
Language: Spanish
Subtitles: English
Subject: Rights,Territory
Genre(s): Documentary