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Chöyun, Sprouts from the Earth

Three generations of indigenous women will find themselves on a crusade to defend nature from the extractive industry and the severe socio-environmental crisis they are experiencing.

6 min | Indigenous Resistance | 2020


In southern Chile, in the Araucanía region, amidst mountains and ancient forests threatened by logging, a Mapuche family struggles to preserve its culture and way of life. Three generations of indigenous women – grandmother, daughter and granddaughter – will find themselves on a crusade to defend nature from the extractive industry and the severe socio-environmental crisis they are experiencing.

Artistic and technic data

Year: 2020
Duration: 6 min
Production: HARAWI SPA
Indigenous peoples: Mapuche
Geographic area: Chile,Wallmapu
Language: Spanish, mapuzungun
Subtitles: Catalan, Spanish
Genre(s): Animation