Frequently Asked Questions


About MiradaNativa

  • Who organises MiradaNativa?
    MiradaNativa is an initiative by organisations and producers with a long history of opening spaces for film and communication from the perspective of indigenous peoples’ narratives of indigenous peoples under the umbrella of the CLACPI.

    CLACPI, the Latin American Coordinator of Indigenous Peoples’ Film and Communication (Coordinadora Latinoamericana de Cine y Comunicación de los Pueblos Indígenas), promotes different forms of training, production, dissemination and audiovisual exhibition workshops in different territories as a process of appropriating the media and effectively exercising indigenous communication.

    alterNativa Intercanvi amb Pobles Indígenes (alterNativa Mutual Exchange with Indigenous Peoples), as members of CLACPI, promotes and manages the platform as a means of disseminating, exhibiting and promoting indigenous cinema.

    More information about us.
  • What is MiradaNativa?
    MiradaNativa is a meeting point for disseminating and promoting indigenous cinema, which provides a specific exhibition channel, produces and hosts festivals, and offers audiovisual resources for training and research.
  • Who can use MiradaNativa? What is the target audience?
    Everyone can use MiradaNativa, as it is an open platform available to everyone and free of charge.
  • In which countries is it available?
    MiradaNativa is free and open access everywhere, since its purpose is to promote indigenous cinema as a resource for organisations and communities in processes of mutual relations, learning and the defence of rights.

    However, some works may have their rights reserved in some countries which have been included in the collaboration agreement, and which MiradaNativa must respect.


  • What is indigenous cinema?
    Indigenous cinema is an indivisible part of a people’s communication: communication as an act of life, a process of constructing identity, a system of relations with the collective and the ancestral, a connection and a dialogue with Mother Earth. It goes beyond instrumental communication, as communication adopts the role of a power to recover colonised territories and defend the identity of indigenous peoples.

    More information in Indigenous Cinema.
  • What topics can I find
    MiradaNativa aims to promote indigenous peoples’ identity, with works that address their cultures and traditions, history and memory through their own narratives, and indigenous peoples’ rights, with works that address organisational processes, rights violations and processes of defence and resistance.

    Therefore the films are organised into the following six themes: Communication, Rights, Education, Gender, Identity and Territory.

    You can filter by subject on the Search page.
  • What genres does the platform include?
    MiradaNativa welcomes fiction, documentaries, reportage, animations, video clips and experimental formats, produced by organisations, production companies or movements with the direct participation of the communities and promoting indigenous authorship.

    You can filter by genre on the Search page.
  • What languages are the films available in?
    In order to promote indigenous languages, the films are offered in the original version as produced. However, some of them include subtitles made by the organisations and producers themselves.
  • Can I register an indigenous film production?
    Si eres una productora u organización indígena y quieres promover las producciones propias puedes inscribir tus obras a través de un formulario específico y una vez validemos los contenidos nos pondremos en contacto para suscribir un Acuerdo de colaboración.

    You can write to us from the Contact page to include a work.

Use of the platform

  • How can I watch films?
    To watch a film, you have to register as a user to gain free access to the full content.

    Register to log in.
  • What devices can I use to view the works?
    MiradaNativa can be accessed from any device with internet access: computers, laptops, tablets and cell phone.
  • How can I register?
    You can register as a user to gain free access to all the content. Your data will only be used to log you into the system and configure your profile. Under no circumstances will we send you information you do not wish to receive and we will not share data with third parties.

    Register to log in.
  • How can I make a contribution?
    In return for the works by indigenous producers and organisations and the service offered by the platform, you can choose how you value indigenous cinema:

    You can make a one-time contribution or subscribe periodically for the amount and period of your choice. You will have free access to all the content as well as news and exclusive offers. Your contributions are used to promote new productions by indigenous organisations and producers and to maintain the platform for the exhibition and promotion of indigenous film.

    You can make occasional or regular contributions on the Contribute page.
  • How can I receive news and updates on indigenous cinema?
    You can subscribe to our newsletter and you will receive regular and updated information on the contents of the productions, news, exclusives and information on the realities of indigenous peoples in the different territories.

    You can also follow us on social media and spread the cinema and the realities of indigenous peoples among your networks and contacts.

    Go to Contact page to receive news or follow us on social media.

How it works

  • Is MiradaNativa a free online film platform?
    MiradaNativa uses a “pay what you want” open access model, as it does not limit access based on cost and allows users to watch movies for free. Each user decides what they can and want to contribute. Even so, the audiovisual creation of production companies and organisations needs voluntary contributions to make indigenous cinema and the MiradaNativa platform sustainable.

    More information in How does it work?
  • What does “pay what you want” mean?
    Pay what you want is a model in which people can openly access cultural content and then make a voluntary contribution based on what they can afford and the amount they believe to be fair.

    Voluntary contributions are necessary for the sustainability of the platform and to continue promoting indigenous audiovisual creation, which is why we believe in this model: each user takes responsibility for their use of the platform and ensuring its long-term existence.
  • What are my contributions spent on?
    Your contributions serve to promote new productions by indigenous organisations and producers and to maintain the platform for the exhibition and promotion of indigenous cinema.

    More information in How does it work?

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