Jakon Jati: Non jayatabo (Our Nature)

Through a visual journey, a group of young people from the native community of Alva Castro of the Shipibo people in Ucayali, Peru, reflects on the importance of preserving natural resources.

5 min 14 s | Identity,Youth | 2021


Through a visual journey, a group of young people from the native community of Alva Castro of the Shipibo people in Ucayali, Peru, reflects on the importance of preserving natural resources with a view toward a sustainable future.

This participatory video was created as part of the Participatory Video Workshop for the Alva Castro community (2021), under the “Jakon Jati” project.

Artistic and technic data

Year: 2021
Duration: 5 min 14 s
Direction: Colectiva
Production: Minkaprod,Oni Xobo
Indigenous peoples: Shipibo-Konibo
Geographic area: Peru
Language: Shipibo
Subtitles: Spanish
Subject: Identity,Youth
Genre(s): Documentary