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Txai Suruí’s Speech

Txai Suruí’s historic speech at the opening of the COP-26: UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, Scotland (2021).

4 min | Climate Emergency | 2022


Txai Suruí’s historic speech at the opening of the COP-26: UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, Scotland (2021). Txai Suruí is a Brazilian indigenous activist leader, from the Paiter-Suruí ethnic group. She was the only indigenous woman from Latin America and the only Brazilian to speak at COP-26. She gave her speech to more than 100 heads of state and it resonated across the globe.

Artistic and technic data

Year: 2022
Duration: 4 min
Indigenous peoples: Paiter-Surui
Geographic area: Brazil
Language: Portuguese
Subtitles: Spanish
Genre(s): Animation