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Poems of the Earth (series)

An animated series that invites you to enjoy a visual, playful and musical experience based on the texts of major indigenous poets from our territory.

8 x 2 min | Worldview | 2022


An animated series that invites you to enjoy a visual, playful and musical experience based on the texts of major indigenous poets from our territory. In each episode, boys and girls narrate a poem in their native languages: Qom, Wichí, Mbyá, Mapudungún, Quechua and also in Spanish. Thus, poetry opens windows leading to diverse and magical universes.

Artistic and technic data

Year: 2022
Duration: 8 x 2 min
Indigenous peoples: Mapuche,Mbya Guarani,Qom,Quechua
Geographic area: Argentina
Language: Spanish, Mapuzugun, Quechua, Qom, Mbya guaraní
Subject: Worldview
Genre(s): Animation