Panzós Memory for the Land – Massacre of 1978

May 29, 1978, when the Guatemalan army massacred a group of Maya Q’eqchi’ peasants in Panzós, Alta Verapaz, who were protesting the dispossession of their land.

20 min | Rights | 2019


An eye-witness documentary of what happened on May 29, 1978, when the Guatemalan army massacred a group of Maya Q’eqchi’ peasants in Panzós, Alta Verapaz, who were protesting the dispossession of their land by transnational companies and local landowners.

Artistic and technic data

Year: 2019
Duration: 20 min
Awards: Premi del Públic IndiFest 2021
Indigenous peoples: Maya Q’eqchi’
Geographic area: Guatemala
Language: Maya Q’eqchi‘
Subtitles: Spanish, English, Catalan
Subject: Rights
Genre(s): Documentary