
In an Aymara community in the southern Andes of Peru, an alpaca-herding family gathers to celebrate the ritual of Uywa Ch’uwa, a ceremony in honor of Pakucha, the spirit of the alpaca.

81 min | Worldview | 2021


In an Aymara community in the southern Andes of Peru, an alpaca-herding family gathers to celebrate the ritual of Uywa Ch’uwa, a ceremony in honor of Pakucha, the spirit of the alpaca. During the celebration, the entire family immerses themselves in a universe filled with the mysticism of Andean cosmovisions, where the ultimate goal is the genesis of new life.

Artistic and technic data

Year: 2021
Duration: 81 min
Direction: Tito Catacora
Indigenous peoples: Aymara
Geographic area: Peru
Language: Aymara
Subtitles: Spanish, Catalan
Subject: Worldview
Genre(s): Documentary