Nankints, The Other Story

Nankints is the name of a Shuar Centre founded in 2006 to defend the Shuar territory (Ecuador) from metallic mega mining.

27 min | Indigenous Resistance | 2019


Nankints is the name of a Shuar Centre founded in 2006 to defend the Shuar territory (Ecuador) from metallic mega mining.

On August 11, 2016, the former Correa government mobilised more than 2,000 military personnel to destroy the Nankints Shuar Centre and hand it over to the Chinese capital mining transnational company Explorcobres S.A.

Artistic and technic data

Year: 2019
Duration: 27 min
Direction: Verenice Benítez
Production: Núa Films
Indigenous peoples: Shuar
Geographic area: Ecuador
Language: Shuar, Spanish
Subtitles: Spanish, English, Catalan
Genre(s): Documentary