
“Mama” is a dialogue between a mother and a son who explore their contradictions and reflect on the perpetuation of naturalised violence.

80 min | Feminine and Plural | 2022


Xun Sero, director of “Mamá”, grew up as a Tsotsil Mexican among the sacredness of the Virgin of Guadalupe and mother earth. As the son of a single mother he grew up between mockery for not having a father and blaming his mother for it; between adoration and contempt for her. “Mama” is a dialogue between a mother and a son who explore their contradictions, who know and recognize each other,  and reflect on the perpetuation of naturalised violence.

Synopsis in Tsotsil:

Vu’une, ja’ jun bats’i vinikun xchi’uk mexicanoun. Ja’ kich’ albel ti tsots sk’oplal ta ich’el ta muk’ ti jme’tik banamile xchi’uk ti jch’ulme’tik Guadalupee. K’usi ne, ch’abal jtot lich’i, ti yantik krixanoetike naka k’usitik chiyalbunkutik. “Ja’ amul” xkut ti jme’e. Jech lich’i talel o, bak’intik xkich’ ta muk’ ti jme’e, bak’intik chopol k’usitik chkalbe.

Ti jun lok’ombail ME’ sbi ku’un li’e, ja’ tey ta jchap jk’opkutik xchi’uk jme’, ta jnopkutik k’ucha’al ti jech x-elan jkuxlejaltike, k’ucha’al ti mu jna’tik yich’el ta muk’ ti antsetike. Jeche’ no’ox xkaltik ti tsots sk’oplal skuxlejalik ku’untike. Ta jsa’bekutik stuk’il snopbenal ti jkuxlejalkutike, ta xkich’ jbakutik ta muk’.

Artistic and technic data

Year: 2022
Duration: 80 min
Direction: Xun Sero
Production: Terra Nostra Films
Indigenous peoples: Tsotsil
Geographic area: Mexico
Language: Tsotsil, spanish
Subtitles: Spanish, catalan
Genre(s): Documentary