Galu Dugbis – The Memory of Grandmothers
Women of three generations of the Guna Dule people of Urabá Antioquia sing and weave molas to care for the planet.
8 min 28 s | Feminine and Plural,Identity | 2020
Women of three generations of the Guna Dule people of Urabá Antioquia sing and weave molas to care for the planet. The Dule ome – Dule woman is vital to the Guna Dule people. By weaving the mola, she embodies the wisdom of the ancestors through the representation of the layers of the universe and transmits this wisdom from generation to generation for the culture to survive. The sacred songs capture the journey and process of the construction of a mola and how, through three generations, the Guna Dule women choose to weave so as not to forget who and where they are from.
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