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From La Gaitana – Memory of the Struggle of the Women of Cauca

A documentary presenting the voices of the indigenous women of Cauca that raises the visibility of the resistance processes that give them strength.

50 min | Feminine and Plural,Women’s Resistance | 2021


A documentary presenting the voices of the indigenous women of Cauca that raises the visibility of the resistance processes that give them strength. It follows a journey through the memory of almost 30 years of organised life as indigenous women and shows how they have been able to organise and strengthen themselves, and have their own voice within an organisation, the Regional Indigenous Council of Cauca (CRIC).

Artistic and technic data

Year: 2021
Duration: 50 min
Indigenous peoples: KokonuKo,Misak,Nasa,Yanacona
Geographic area: Colombia
Language: Spanish
Genre(s): Documentary