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Ava Kuña, Aty Kuña

Ava Kuña, Aty Kuña (Indigenous Woman, Political Woman) is a poetic and reflective approach to the political resilience of Brazilian indigenous women.

25 min. | Feminine and Plural,Indigenous Resistance | 2021


Ava Kuña, Aty Kuña (Indigenous Woman, Political Woman) is a poetic and reflective approach to the political resilience of Brazilian indigenous women. The short documentary mixes the impressions of a white woman with the explanations of a native woman about this meeting and provides a portrayal of the Kuñangue Aty Guasu, an assembly of Guarani Kaiowá women.

Artistic and technic data

Year: 2021
Duration: 25 min.
Production: Julia Zulian
Indigenous peoples: Guarani Kaiowá
Geographic area: Brazil
Language: Portuguese, Guarani, Spanish
Subtitles: Spanish
Genre(s): Documentary